Monday, October 29, 2012

I'm Nuts for Punkin Guts!

I love fall. I love everything about fall.... the sights, the smells, the holidays... the TRADITIONS.  We have several in our home, but not one in particular rings in the Haunting Season more than Pumpkin Carving Day!

BBH and I have been carving pumpkins together for twelve years now.  Since we were young pups in love, setting our jack-o-lantern on our apartment balcony, we've never missed a year.  Now that we have chitlins around, the tradition has become that much more fun, and frankly age appropriate!

It was a cold morning, so we bundled up, grabbed our supplies, and headed outside.

This was the first year that we deemed Larger Child old enough to wield his own carving tools.  His pumpkin was truly his, from start to finish.  It was super fun to watch!

Concentration face... drawing his design. (serious business)


Elbow Deep!
Because it was so cold outside, LC had to go in a few times and run his hands under warm water to defrost them.  That's some dedication... and pretty hardcore pumpkin carving. 
Let the carving commence!
LC carved his jack-o-lantern very well! He was focused, safe, and super proud to be doing it himself. 
As LC carved, the rest of the family was busy too.  BBH got in to the spirit.  He is a very meticulous carver.  LC gave him the most "tidy" award.  (I would call it a bit anal retentive... but it turns out a really great pumpkin!) His mad gut yanking skills were so good in fact, that we commissioned him to clean out our pumpkins the rest of the way too.  (Thanks BBH! My punkin savior!)
Punkin GUTS!

Yeah, you carve it!
I took a slightly more "outside the lines" approach.  I didn't mind so much the untidiness of it all, which was apparent by the pumpkin on my glasses, hair, and face.  Meh, whatchagonnado?  All in the line of duty, I say! (If you're not getting messy, you're not doing it right!)
my concentration face

my satisfaction face
And, of course, Smaller Child was a fantastic supervisor.  He made sure we stayed on task.  That boy can really crack the whip!
"All right! Enough of the lollygagging! Get back to work!"
And the finished product was quite possibly our best yet... in twelve years!
This one's mine.  It was awarded, "Best Technique"

and Larger Child's won "Most Creative"

BBH's won "Tidiest" (but I personally think it's the coolest too... but shhh!)
And here they are all together! Mighty fine job McQueen's!! We sure know our way around a gourd!

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