Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"DU" You Have the Time?

This past Sunday, I had the pleasure of spectating my Beautiful Bald Husbands FIRST Duathalon! It also marked the SIXTH race that I was lucky enough to support him through.  I gotta tell ya, they don't get any less emotional for me.  Each time I pray, fret, cry, scream, applaud, smile until my face hurts, and count the seconds until I get my gloriously sweaty hugs and kisses from my warrior at the finish line!

This was no different.

The Fall Classic Duathalon was held on a VERY windy Sunday afternoon at Lake Overholser.  This was the first race that BBH was cycling in, so it was kind of a big deal. We kept telling each other it wasn't, repeating the mantra, "this is just practice... the rest is just ego..." I am not sure if it helped. At all.

He went early, with a couple friends, to set up, warm up, and get comfortable.  The boys and me met him there a few minutes before start time.  I managed to get a hug, kiss, and a "you'll be awesome" in before he raced off to catch the before race meeting.

He seemed a tad nervous, but that is too be expected.  The wind was ferocious, and this was his first time to race with his bike... those two things in themselves were enough to make even me nervous.

After a quick pre-race meeting, discussing the course, transitions, rules, etc... they were off to the start line, and then the gun.   The way they had it set up, the start line was off in a field.  It looked like what I would imagine a running zombie hoard would be.  Kind of intimidating when you are in their direct path!

The race would be as follows:  a 2 mile run around the track at the park, transition in to bike garb, and then a 10 mile bike ride around the lake.  This would be repeated, and finished off with two more miles on foot.  So, a total of 6 miles running and 20 on the bike.  (26 all together... like a marathon... get it? get it?  Yeah, it took me nearly half the race to figure out that one. Sheesh.)  The also had an option of a shorter course that my friend, Jeri completed which was the two mile run, the ten mile ride, and then one more two mile run.  But, BBH was going for the gold... the long course.  His buddy, training partner, and husband of Jeri, Jason was completing it too.  It was nice to know he had a friend on the course with him.

The first leg seemed to go well for BBH.  He looked good, had a great pace, and seemed anxious to get on his bike.  He even stopped to give Larger Child some high fives before hitting the transition area.

This part was what impressed me the most about the athletes in general.  They would all file in to this little fenced in area where their bikes were on racks, and their garb was set out.  They would race in, throw off their running shoes.  Slap on their bike helmets, slip in to their bike shoes, and be out of the gate before you could blink.  It was incredible to watch.  No time to stop, take a breather, get a drink, nothing... just zoom.

 I'm sure BBH is going to love this shot.  (I know I did.)

And out the gate, off for his first leg on the bike.

I knew it would take a good half an hour plus to finish this leg, and by this time by amazing friend Gena had made it to the park to spectate our friends with me.  (She's so awesome. I gotta say... Side note: Gena T is one of those friends who is just THERE.  Ya know?  She just doesn't even hesitate.  And with a smile on her face.  She's one of those friends that builds you up. Makes you feel good to just be around her.  LOVE YOU GENA T!)   ANYWHO, so with the time to kill, we took the kids to the playground.

 Gena pushing LC on the swings.  She's so good to those kids.  No wonder they love her so much!

I opted to keep SC in his cage... er, I mean, stroller.  I knew if I set him free, I would have a heck of a time getting him back in.  I placated him with snacks.  It worked for a time.

We also managed to catch Jeri just about finishing her first leg of her race.  She came right by the playground, and still had a smile on her face.

We headed back to the transition area, and caught Jason as he headed out for his second run.  He hammed it up with LC a second, and got a great picture in the process.

Then we waited for BBH to get back from his bike ride.  There always seems to be a point when I'm spectating that MY nerves get up.  Like my little antennae go awry... my kindred connection to my lobster (BBH) warns me of trouble... this was that time.  I knew the wind was treacherous.  I knew they were having to ride right in it on the way back from the turn around.  (I also knew he hadn't been riding for long, and he was going to be riding FAST, around other competitors also going FAST.) I began to hold my breath... and wait.

I found myself staring at his orange shoes, waiting for him at his transition area.

Those shoes are often the ONLY way I can spot him on the course.  They are day glow orange, and usually paired with a nearly entirely black ensemble.  They stand out like a nudist at a suit convention. Their very characteristics, besides perhaps their attention grabbing color, seem to symbolize BBH.  From what I understand, they are minimalist shoes... meaning they are very close to bare feet.  This reminds me of his desire and ability to strip down to the basics, don't complicate things, don't muck them up with STUFF.  They are also basic running shoes (not "tri-shoes") that he put tri-laces on.  He knew they would be just as effective, without burdening with the cost of new shoes.  He put his priorities first.  They are also shoes that have seen many miles, and many levels of accomplishment.  They have been training with him, supporting his feet through the tough and the fun.  Through the PR's, and the days that just didn't work out as planned.  They have been on his feet as he coached others through similar days, and pushed friends across their own finish lines.  Those shoes... those shoes are on the journey with him, those shoes are BBH.

Once I considered all of this, staring at those nearly-need-sunglasses-to-look-at-them shoes, I knew he would be there, any minute, to get them back on, and head off for the next part of THIS journey. And, just like that, there he was.

It was clear the wind was a factor, he looked pretty exhausted.  Nevertheless, he threw on those orange pals of his, and peeled off for the third leg of his race.

We stayed near transition, knowing it wouldn't take long to run those two miles.  He came back in, a bit out of breath, but not even hesitating to strap on that helmet again, and finish the cycling portion of the race.  It blew my mind to see that.  No question, no rest, just go.  It was impressive as hell.

Knowing it wouldn't be long before our friends Jeri and Jason made it back to the transition, we stuck close by.  SC was getting antsy in the cage, so Gena T the spoiler, got him out and entertained them both for a while.

We also managed to catch Jeri in her final leg, and cheer her across the finish.  (Somehow along the way, her hat fell pray to the ferocious wind.)

BBH, came in to the transition for the last time.  He looked beat, but determined.  We all hollered at him encouragement.  I kept telling him how much I loved him, and LC gave him a lucky five as he took off to complete the last two miles of his race.

We waited at the finish line for what seemed like no time at all, and there he was... all smiles and satisfaction... my BBH, my warrior.  IT NEVER GETS OLD watching him go through those finish line arches.  My heart flutters, and my face nearly explodes from pride EVERY time.

Add another one to the books, folks! Astonishing, awesome, adorable, admirable, (attractive as hell) BBH finished another! And I am so grateful I was there to witness it again.

I mean, really, does it get any cuter than that??

1 comment:

  1. Great post and great pictures! Thanks again for cheering us on!
