Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Frank the Elf

We were blessed with an Elf on the Shelf this year.  He appeared December 1st, on our fireplace mantel.  He is mischievous and hilarious... but with a name like Franklin Delosure, how could he be anything but?

As the story goes, the elf appears to keep tabs on you for Santa Claus.  He leaves every night to tell Mr. C. how you were that day.  You can talk to him, tell him your Christmas wishes, but Santa told them all that they are not allowed to talk back... or they cannot return to the North Pole.  You are also not allowed to touch them, or they lose their magic.  The elves return in the morning in a different place then they were the night before, and part of the fun is finding them! Frank has made this holiday season extra special! 

Happy Holidays!

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