Sunday, July 8, 2012

Little Man Birthday Party

I decided to do a Gentlemen theme for our "Little Man's" first birthday party.  It turned out better than expected.  While it was a lot of work, I cannot complain because none of it felt like work.  It was SO MUCH FUN.

I started with an invitation.  Beautiful Bald Husband helped me with this.  He designed a great invite.  (Though upon further inspection, a couple of weeks after they were sent out, we realized there was a big misspelling... but I told him that if there wasn't a mistake it wouldn't be "homemade." I don't think he bought it! Ever the perfectionist! Ha!)

I made happy birthday banners with card stock, stamps, embossing, and printed letters.  I strung them and put ribbon "bow ties" between the words.  One read "Happy Birthday Elijah" and the other said "Little Man is ONE!"

I had pictures of vintage "gentlemen" (1900's clothing ads), framed them, and placed them around the house mixed with prints of Smaller Child in a tie or a suit, some with mustaches attached!

I had a "Moustache Station" where people could choose an adhesive fuzzy mustache to wear, or a fingerstache (temporary tattoo to be placed on the pointer finger so you could hold it under your nose to have a 'stache.)  Nearly everyone participated in donning a stache.  I must say, I have an amazingly fun group of loved ones!

Mrs. Jeri and Elizabeth

Darling Larger Child

And those of us so dedicated to the theme, we came pre-stached!  (Love you Daddy!)
How Villainous Beautiful Bald Husband! 

It looks like Smaller Child is about to sneeze! Ha!

There was also a "Wish Box Station" where I asked everyone to write a wish, prayer or hope on a slip of paper to be put in a box to be given to Smaller Child on his 18th birthday.

The food was super fun! I served "Cigars" (pretzel rods) with mustard dip, "Little Manwiches" (peanut butter and jelly and turkey and cheese sammies cut to look like mustaches), "Bowtie Pasta" (pasta with basil, feta, artichoke hearts, lemon juice, and black olives), homemade chocolate suckers in the shape of a "1" and a mustache, and butterscotch candies.

And then the cupcakes... OH MY, the CUPCAKES!! I had a marvelous baker (and family member of ours) make the cupcakes and the smash cake.  She did a phenomenal job! So happy! (and so was Smaller Child!)

For drinks I set up a big metal wash tub filled with ice and root "beer." I made mustache straws, and also served water.  Gotta say, the root beer went over like gangbusters!

The Gentlemen enjoying their brew.
I added a few sentimental touches as well.  Since Smaller Child was born, I have been taking a picture every month on his monthly bday.  I made a banner out of these.  I also made a sign that included all of the important dates that milestones occurred (first laugh, tooth, etc.).  And ties... LOTS and LOTS of ties... on decorations, on wreaths, on lamps, on all the guests.  What's a Gentlemen party without ties??

I think the biggest hit was the photo booth! I made card stock cutouts of mustaches, hats, lips, ties etc, and my loved ones all played along taking old time photo booth pics!

Not sure why it's so grainy. :(  But this is my Mom and Dad being the very best of sports!

There were tons of wonderful presents from tons of wonderful people.  While Smaller Child wasn't exactly clear on the best method of present opening, he enjoyed the audience for sure!

I made goodie bags out of white sacks and paper I cut to look like neck ties and bow ties.  The goodies included mustache masks, woodworking sets, bubble pipes, decks of cards, tool sets, and candy.

It was such a wonderful day full of love and joy! I am so glad everyone who came was here. It was lovely to see how many people there are who truly love our Little Man as much as we do.  You know what, I think he may feel just the same about us too! Thank you all for making it such a special day!

It was definitely Gentlemen Approved!


  1. I said it already but I'll say it again - it was a fun party! As for the picture of me with a stache, I realize that facial hair is definitely not becoming on me!
