Thursday, May 15, 2014

11 (and a half) Things I Learned at the Zoo Today

Some things I learned on my Zoo Date with Smaller Child:

1. Don't tell SC we are going to the Zoo until the moment we walk out the door. I had to retrieve him from the garage twice.
2. Avoid the Zoo during the week near the end of May. I forgot about class field trips...
3. Smaller Child is terrified of grizzly bears. I am not sure what that is all about, maybe just an instinctual "that's bigger than me, and can eat me" feeling... I took this picture with him screaming in the background. We left the moment after.

4. SC loves bats. He could have stayed in the nocturnal animal barn the whole day.
5. According to SC, "Dis is a TURTLE not a WOCK!" Thanks for the clarification... but it's actually a tortoise, duh!

6. Everything with black spots is a cow. Everything. And don't you DARE correct him.
7. Little boys get stage fright when Mama has to hold them to reach the potty to pee.
8. You cannot visit the gorillas when you are eating lunch, because "Dey will steal my peanut butter sanwish!"
9. That "hairpane" is MUCH more interesting and exciting than the free roaming albino peacock right next to it.

10. SC is not a fan of the selfie.

11. But, SC IS a fan of playing in water.

11.5 So are lorikeets.

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