I have been trying to think of a way to talk about this without being all sappy and ooey gooey... but I am afraid that just might happen anyway. So, you're just going to have to hang in there. If you do, I promise to give you some pretty great pics at the end.
So, most of you know, okay probably any of you who care enough about me to be reading this know me well enough to know this by now, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Though my doctor may disagree, I would say I am in medically induced remission right now. Meaning, most of the time, my symptoms are under control because of the medical therapies that I am currently undergoing. This has not always been the case. Less than two years ago, I was on a cane. Less than two years ago, I couldn't walk across the house. My husband pushed me in a wheelchair around the zoo.
Yesterday I participated in my first 5k.
(I am already crying trying to type this... give me a second...)
I never thought anything like that was in the cards for me. I never thought my body would be able to do something like that. The last time I was healthy enough to "exercise," I could barely walk a half mile, and it took me nearly a half an hour to do so. Anytime anyone would ask me to participate in any type of strenuous physical activity, I would make up an excuse, or frankly tell them I can't physically do that. I believed it. Perhaps, at the time there was truth to it.
But, this disease, and the people I have met because of it, soon taught me to never take for granted the "good days." Never assume anything. Always live in the present... and most importantly NEVER sell yourself short. I have a friend who I met in a RA support group who is a MARATHON runner. She has the most incredible spirit of anyone I have ever met. I learn from her what it means to be someone LIVING DESPITE RA.... not just living with the disease. I have another friend, who just ran his first marathon. I watched him train and push and grow. I have a husband, a pillar of strength and inspiration who showed me how something as simple as putting one foot in front of the other can change your whole life. These people do it for the joy of it. Not for times, or places, or medals... THESE PEOPLE were the ones who helped me up, kept me going, and got me back to the person that God intended me to be. Not someone who is beaten by the disease, but someone who is beating it.
Okay, enough of that... back to the story at hand... the 5k.
I had been "training" for a couple of weeks. Running intervals (2min run/2min walk) at least three times a week for about a month now. I would run at least 3 miles, and had got my average pace to about 13min. miles (42 min 5k). Not too shabby for a gimp pushing a 30lb baby in a wonky wheeled stroller. I was feeling pretty good, and pretty sure I could run the 5k no problem.
Blah blah blah... that's the specifics, the details I told my fellow RA Athletes I would put in.
My BBH and I signed up for the race with another couple friends of ours. The ones I wrote about in a previous blog when I watched Corey run his first marathon. They are OUTSTANDING people, and I was super stoked to be doing this with them! My friend Gena was also wanting to run, but the spots were full before she could sign up... so I sort of volunteered her to come watch my kids and cheer us on. She didn't even hesitate to say yes. She's just like that. AMAZING. I seriously doubt there is a better support group on the planet! These people get me... they understand my goals and values, and do what they can to encourage and support with love. It is about fun! It is about living! It is about life!! And they are right there with me!
This was before the race...
My first for reals bib! |
This was a Color Run. A 5k with various "color stops" where you get pelted with some weird cornstarch food coloring concoction. The idea is to go in looking like a bride to be, and exit looking like a burnt out hippy leaving Woodstock. (I think we accomplished our goal.) The race isn't timed... which I was incredibly grateful for. I wanted to just go and have fun, and that is exactly what we did. There were THOUSAND of participants, and they were all as like minded as us. Out there having a good time, walking, pushing strollers, dancing, skipping, general tom-foolery. Quite the spectacle.
This was close to the beginning, and action shot... all of us running together. LOVE IT! |
This was about half way through. We had to stop by our favorite spectators for a photo op! |
Gena and the boys had some fun too along the course! (They ADORE her... and I can totally understand why.)
And then of course, the AFTER pics... It looks like a rainbow unicorn exploded all over us, and in a way, it did.
P.S. I want to also give a HUUUUGE shout out to Lisa and Melissa!! You guys rocked my socks off with your awesome cheerleading!! They day would NOT have been the same without you!!!