*Studio is and will be italicized because when it is spoken aloud, the word is expressed in a reverent whisper... to show it the respect and wonder that it so justly deserves. My family is all in agreement on this, and even Smaller Child will wave his arms in the air in wonderment as he whispers the word "Studio." Try it with me, all together now... one... two... three.... STUDIO.... Very nice.
I have already told you what lead up to the creation of the Studio, (http://themoderndaysahm.blogspot.com/2013/03/my-craft-room-or-another-reason-why-bbh.html), so I won't bore you with my gushing over my BBH again... just suffice it to say he's incredible. Like, the REAL meaning of that word. (Merriam Webster: 1. too extraordinary and improbable to be believed <making incredible claims>2. amazing, extraordinary <incredible skill> <an incredible appetite> <met an incredible woman>) So, today I want to focus on the construction and evolution of the project.
The man who came to give us the estimate said that it would be MAYBE a two day project. He made it seem like no big deal. (Do you see where I'm going with this already??) I suppose that is just the way construction works though. It never goes as fast as they say, and it always costs more than they quote. But hey, that's what good jokes are made of right? It is like toilet seats being left up, and bad mother in laws (neither of which happen in MY life...) they are just part of Americana... part of what makes sitcoms so great. I am not sure why I was so surprised and put out when it happened to me too. Perhaps I was waiting for the canned laughter??
ANYWHO, at the end of day one, they had framed the room. (Insert STUD jokes here.)
The Studs are up... |
By the end of day two, they had the sheet rock up.
That was when I noticed that they did not move the light switch... awesome. I don't think they were too happy with me for that one. But, whatcha gonna do??
By the morning of day three, I had started to become use to the idea that it might take a hair longer than they had said. No biggie, life goes on. SC, O, and I were all getting use to the routine of waking up super early to be ready by the time they SAID they were going to be there. Waiting around for hours, and then spending the rest of the day cooped up in the bedroom together. Regardless, I was really hoping that day three was going to be the last day too. When they left that night, I was proven wrong.
I have to say though, as much as I am complaining here, these guys were incredibly kind, considerate, respectful and clean. They kept the construction mess contained to that area, and were super friendly to me and my kids. They were a GREAT crew. Even when I backed in to their work truck...(yup.. that totally happened. Awesome.) They were more concerned with me than their vehicle.
Day four they didn't show. They had lots of other projects to do as well, and ours was taking longer than expected. Okay fine. I get it, I'm not the only human in the world, as much as I would like to think otherwise at times. Ha!
Day five they finished the texturing, and got one coat of paint up. By the way, did you know that if you turn the heat up REALLY high, it makes the texturing dry faster?? Also, did you know that a 90 degree house makes a dog, a mom, and a toddler REALLY cranky?? I do!! I know that!!
Once we started WEEK two of our "maybe two day" project, I had just resigned to the fact that it would get done when it's done. It would all be worth it in the end, and it is just really not that big of a deal. I had also decided to get out of the house for a while when they were there. We went to the mall, Target, The Zoo, and a few other places that week. (Poor Olivia, because of her unexplainable desire to taste the blood of the workers, she had to be locked up in the back bedroom... in a crate... behind closed doors... that were locked.)
By the end of workday six, they had put up most of the trim, but the interior of the room's paint was anything but matching. By the end of the project they had repainted the inside of the room three times. They kept trying to match the old paint, instead of just repainting the whole room. Which was what they ended up doing in the end.
Then it was DONE! MAAAARVEOLOUS!! I present you the (say it with me) STUDIO.
After Alfredo and his crew left, it was up to me. I had to figure out how I wanted this room to look. It became "my project." I had been keeping a fellow crafter and mentor of mine posted on the progress. When it was completed, we had a discussion as to what would make it a "Studio" over a "Craft Room." After some debate, and a google search, I found out that they are really just one in the same. (But frankly Studio sounds soooo much cooler.... like the nerdy chick equivalent of Batcave!)
Two days after the room was done, the boys and I left to go visit my parents for spring break (another shameless blog plug: http://themoderndaysahm.blogspot.com/2013/03/spring-break-in-teee-haus.html ), so I had to leave the Studio unfurnished and un-me-afied until I returned. But, once I got back, the FUN began.
I stared with what I had, and BBH helped by getting rid of the things that we didn't need in the room anymore (and making a little extra money to fund the Studio.) I knew I was going to try and keep a white and green theme. I found an awesome shelf that fit my budget and color scheme. I managed to buy it, bring it home, and unload it on my own. Then, there it sat... in it's box... for a day. It was one of those "giant shelf in tiny box" units. The kind you KNOW the moment you open it, it will be a PROJECT. Like Ikea furniture. It was Tuesday. I knew BBH couldn't help me build it until the weekend. So, if I wanted to be patient, I could wait. But who the HECK wants to be PATIENT!?!?! So, I decided that I could give it a go!! I just had to believe in myself. "I can build this shelf. I CAN DO THIS!" Then, I opened the box, and saw this:
They might as well have given me tree seeds and instructions on how to treat my own wood.
BUT, I took a deep breath, and dove in to the thirty page instruction manual. Besides, I had great back-up!
Everything was going swimmingly, until...
But, I shook it off, I had a bookshelf to build, dammit!!
Then this...
Why yes, that IS fifty-gazillion tiny metal screws that I had to hand screw in to an UNDRILLED wooden backing. (Those people at the bookshelf factory are sadists.)
Then, the best part... NESTING!
It quickly dawned on me that I would need more storage, and soon. So, I started surfing Craigslist. That is when I found the perfect paper storage, and their owner Gayle. She sold me the paper shelves dirt cheap, and even threw in some pegboard for free once we started chatting about crafting. I guess my joy of my new room was evident in text form, she said how great it was to be "a part of your joy." (Shout out to Craigslist Gayle!! Whoop-whoop!! Thanks lady!!)
And that is where we are today... The room is really coming together. There is still a lot of work to do. I want to paint all the wood pieces white, I also need some hanging shelves, and would like a shoe cubby for yarn storage. But, it is coming together.
I have already done several projects in here. There hasn't been a day yet that I haven't spent at least an hour in here, blogging, doing paper crafts, crochet, or something. The boys are even getting some use out of it. Larger Child and I did a school project in here over the weekend, and Smaller Child and I did some super awesome co-coloring yesterday.
I didn't realize just how much a space for me, a space for my creativity, would change my life. I know it sounds silly, and probably a bit over dramatic, but it's true. I honestly believe that God put a desire to create and express ourselves in all our hearts, and until we tap in to that, we are shutting out and shutting off that connection with our Higher Power. Okay, enough with the sappy spirituality... where's my ModPodge?
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