Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Play Time at the Mall!

As the "two day" construction on the room addition is heading in to the seventh, Smaller Child and I have become more than sick of being cooped up in my bedroom.  One day last week, we told the workers we'd be back in a few, and packed up to stroll the mall for a while. I needed to pick up my wedding ring from the jeweler anyway, so I figured it might be a good way to spend the afternoon.

When Larger Child was younger, I would spend lots of time strolling the mall. Window shopping (actual shopping) and frequent trips to the Disney Store were one of our favorite ways to pass an afternoon.  He seemed to enjoy it as well.  As long as I kept the snacks and juice flowing, he was content to hang out in the stroller (often leaving a trail of fishies behind him).  He even took some of his most peaceful naps as I walked the crowded isles in department stores. 

Smaller Child is not quite so content to be confined to the stroller.  He will tolerate it for short bursts.  But, I must keep it moving.  If I stop to really browse, he starts causing trouble.  He will begin with whines, or shouts.  Once he gets in trouble for that, he will start asking, "Ouut?? Ouuuuut??"  After a curt "No" from Mama, he will then resort to pulling tags off of clothes, or even clothes off of hangers.  That's when I start getting the looks from the employees.  (Not that I blame them at ALL.  I spent several years working retail.  I totally get it.  The moment the over loaded, over stressed, under prepared Mama came in with their clearly spent toddler, I would usually pray to the snack gods that the kid at LEAST didn't have jelly all over his hands.)  So, with SC, the browsing is more like power walking. 

We still have our stops though. Disney Store is still a favorite, as is the food court.  That day he had a turkey sandwich from Subway.  I took a chance on some bad Chinese... and am still regretting it. But we also stopped at the small "pay a fortune to ride for five seconds on the car/truck/helicopter" area.  He's still gullible  YOUNG enough to enjoy the ride without a ride.  He was quite content to just sit and push buttons.  (Yay for me!)

Then I decided it was about time I introduced him to the awkward kid/parent social interaction, source of tantrum, and germ pit of the toddler play area.  He did remarkably well!

He loved the tunnel the most, and so did most of the other kids as well.  At one point a smaller (crawling) baby was heading through the same time he was.  He stopped... you could tell he was processing.  Then he decided to back out and let her through first.  Once the coast was clear than he went.  What a gentlemen.  He approached this same baby later and said, "Hi Baby!" With a friendly wave.  The baby did not reply, so he said it again.  This time a bit louder... "HIIII BAAAYBEEE!" Still nothing back.  He starred at her a minute, then gently patted her on the head said "Bye-bye" and walked away.  Gotta say, he handles social situations way better than his awkward Mama! Ha!

When it was time to leave, I just had to say it was time to pick up Bubba from school.  That seemed to be enough to avoid the tantrum thrown by most of the other children.  I got him back in his stroller with promises of water and a pretzel, and we headed home. 

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