Friday, March 1, 2013

Napkin Notes

The first time I packed Larger Child's lunch for school this year, I wrote a small note on his napkin.  It was a simple, "I love you! Hope you have a wonderful day!" note.  Nothing elaborate, nothing special.  A few days later it was a short inside joke that we had shared the day before.  A funny phrase or word we made up.  Then it turned in to a knock-knock joke.  Then it turned in to illustrated jokes.  Napkin art! It has become a "thing." When he has a packed lunch, his classmates gather around to see what is on the napkin that day.  They share the joke, discuss it's meaning, whether or not they've heard it before etc.  He gives me a review of the napkin when he gets home. (What started as a simple I love you, has turned in to a lot of pressure for Mama!)  I love that we have this, I love that his friends love it too, but I gotta say, I'm running out of jokes! Here's a few from the recent weeks:

What did the caveman give his wife for Valentines? Ugs and kisses!

What does a ghost wear when it's rainy outside? Booooots!
Why wouldn't the shrimp share his treasure? Because he was a LITTLE SHELLFISH!

Why did the Easter Egg hide? Because he was a LITTLE CHICKEN!
If you have any good material, send it my way! (No, seriously... I'm beggin ya.)

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