Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Zoo Day

My favorite place in the whole wide world is our Zoo.  It is spectacular.  I have never once gone and regretted it.  I bet a modest estimate of the number of times I have been there could be counted well over one hundred.  It makes me innately happy.  I am not sure if it is being outdoors, interacting with the animals, or what... but it just does a world of good for my spirit to be on the grounds. 

I took Larger Child to the Zoo at least once a month from the time he was about one and a half until he started going to full time school. He loves it too.  I love being there with him.  I have been able to pass on my love of animals and interest in the different species that you get to come in contact with when you visit the Zoo.  NOW, I am blessed with the opportunity to do it all over again with Smaller Child.  This was a gift that hit me pretty heavy today as we went in the Zoo entrance.  How very lucky I am to get to do this a second time.  What a gift it is to see the delight and curiosity on a young child's face the first time they get to interact with animals they don't get to see everyday.  To witness the laughter from a baby that comes from an unexpected caw of a bird, or the trumpet of an elephant repeated by their tiny hands... well it is just an experience that you do not want to miss... and I get to do it TWICE.  (Seriously, I am tearing up again just thinking about how awesome that is.) 

We have had a very warm November, and today it was GORGEOUS.  Smaller Child and I were in great spirits, and the animals were too.  The birds seemed to be the star of the show today.  They were a delight! These two fellas entertained us with their laughing for a good fifteen minutes or so.

And the trees.  OH MY GOSH... the colors today.  They were incredible.  I found myself looking up so much that my neck hurts. Some of them looked like they were on fire.  When you place those types of colors against the clear blue sky we had today... well it was just breathtaking. 

There were several surprises in the foliage too.  Pops of color everywhere!

I think this was the first time Smaller Child was big enough to understand that the animals were alive... that he could interact with them, and found interest in these facts.  He spent a great deal of time with the pigmy goats.  He wanted to love on them all.  He would great them with a hand wave and an Okie, "Haaaayyy!"  Then he would pat them on the back, give them a hug and a kiss, and leave saying "Buh-Bye!"  (Considering there are well over a dozen of these hooved lovelies, this took a minute or two.)

"Hi Goat!"

He also had a pretty great interaction with one of the Grizzly Bears who was playing in the water.  He said "bear" and even growled!

Om, nom, nom...

Um, can... can I have a bite?
I took him to the gorillas next.  He didn't seem too terribly interested.  It was almost as if he was just looking at a room full of people.  Hairy SCs...  Yes, I see the resemblance.

We took a break, and had lunch. 

We were joined by a flock of black birds.  This one had his eye on my Sammy. 

Back off, Bucko!
Then SC got out of the stroller and stretched his legs a bit...

We saw cats (that apparently also say, "Meow"),  elephants, monkeys, snakes, lizards, tortoises, flamingos, deer, elk, and so many others.  The day was beautiful.  Another one for the books.

Geez... I really do have a blessed life.

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