Sunday, November 18, 2012


To commemorate my 100th post, I will tell you 100 things about myself that you may or may not know, or care to know!  Ready?  Get set... GO!

1. My eyes are brown, but sometimes when I'm out in the sun a lot, they are a bit green.
2. I sometimes transpose my numbers, which can make banking fun!
3. I am legally blind in my left eye.
4. I dance hip hop in the shower.
5. I secretly love Flo Rider.
6. I am allergic to cigarette smoke.
7. I am thrilled I had boys because I was such a rotten teenage girl.
8. My favorite food is a warm soft chocolate chip cookie.
9. My favorite ice cream is Chocolate Almond.
10. My favorite season is fall.
11. But I hate the cold.
12. I lied on my weight on my driver's license...
13. But I'm lower than that weight I lied about now.
14. I caught head lice from my 3rd grade boyfriend.
15. I am still a little scared of animatronics.
16. I use to say my favorite movie was Schindler's List
17. My REAL favorite movie is Little Women.
18. I've read the Twilight Books 3 times.
19. I've read Night about 6.
20. I have never read the "real" Little Women book, but the children's version over and over...
21. My least favorite chore is ironing, so I never do it.  Our dryer is our iron.
22. Another reason I'm glad I had boys, they aren't picky about what they wear.
23. I have pet and fed a giraffe.
24. I have been so scared of a llama I almost peed my pants.
25. I've peed my pants.

26. I think I can sing...
27. I can't sing anymore.
28. I was in the Model UN
29. I was also ranked 3rd in the state for Humorous Duet in Speech
30. I always wanted to audition for the school play
31. I never thought I'd be good enough
32. I felt the same about cheerleading.
33. I never thought I'd be a Stay at Home Mom
34. I secretly always hoped I would be
35. I am EXACTLY where I hoped I'd be by thirty
36. I cannot believe I have been with my husband for 12 and a half years.
37. I still find him incredibly attractive.
38. He's my best friend.
39. I still sleep with a teddy bear
40. My teddy bear is a boy named Rhapsody
41. I love bouncing on the trampoline
42. My knees hurt when I bounce.
43. I resent my knees... a lot of the time.
44. I always think about cutting all my hair off
45. When I cut it, I always regret it
46. I have considered auditioning for local theater.
47. I have pretty low self esteem...
48. I'm working on that esteem.
49. I didn't really believe in God until four years ago.
50. I don't ever doubt He exists now, I don't ever doubt His Grace and Love for me.

51. I sing to my dog... all the time...
52. Sometimes I wish I had a girl so I could play make up, dress up, and tea parties...
53. I've tried playing those things with my son.
54. I didn't tell his Dad.
55. He knows now...
56. I'm sorry about that, BBH...
57. Not really.
58. Okay, really.
59. I had to look up the words to "Take On Me" yesterday.
60. Sometimes I think Dinosaurs are a hoax
61. Sometimes I feel the same about the moon landing.
62. I think there is a large part of me that believes the Zombie Apocalypse might actually happen.
63. I secretly hope it does.
64. I am afraid of my RA.
65. I am afraid of my RA's progression.
66. I try hard to really enjoy my abilities... and life.
68. I don't think I'm any good at them.
69. I was scared when I took my first positive pregnancy test.
70. Did I mention I have a low self esteem?
71. I don't "fit in" politically.... anywhere.
72. I kind of want to go to church.
73. I love the smell of lemon scented things...
74. Not a big fan of the smell of actual lemons.

75. I love real cherries
76. I hate cherry flavoring.
77. I had too much cherry cough syrup as a kid.
78. I think I take pretty good pictures.
79. I am cheap.
80. I hate buying big ticket items for myself.
81. I love having a cat sized dog.
82. I hated having cats.
83. I could never be vegetarian or vegan. I love cheese and bacon too much.
84. I actually considered stockpiling bacon when I heard about the potential shortage.
85. I run in to door frames on a daily basis.
86. I blame my lazy eye.
87. I won't ever move, if I can help it... I love my backyard too much.
88. I am still a little scared of turkeys.
89. It is a little hard being this open.
90. I would much rather be writing 100 things about my kids.
91. One of my pet peeves is toilet paper hung backwards.
92. I curse too much.
93. I could still watch Friends reruns.
94. Phoebe was my favorite.
95. I am Monica.
96. I think I'm pretty funny.
97. I have a high pain tolerance.
98. I cannot believe all of the gifts I have been blessed with, I sometimes feel undeserving.
99. I am learning about myself, and beginning to like what I see.
100. I can honestly say, I'm happier than I've ever been in my whole life.

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