So, I am going to show my hand here. I am going to record a story that is still stinging a little bit on my psyche... but I KNOW will be something I will want to remember and laugh about in the years to come. I am going to share with you the story of our Smaller Child's first haircut.
(breeeathe in.... breeeeathe out....)
Yesterday was like any other Saturday in our house. Beautiful Bald Husband came home, and I tagged him in, and me out as I headed out the door to go to the grocery store.
(On a sidenote, I have to say my Saturday afternoon grocery shopping excursions can be something close to an exotic island vacation for me. It is a solid hour to hour and a half where I can be by myself, not have tiny hands tugging on me, crying at me, or asking me for things. I can take my time, enjoy the quiet of my own head, and relax.)
So, I pull into the garage, grab a few bags of groceries and head in the house. I walk in, refreshed and rejuvenated and eager to spend some time with the family. The first thing I notice is the high chair pulled out into the dining room, all the lights on, and something on the floor. I had just come in from the very bright afternoon, and my eyes were still adjusting to the darkness of the house. I couldn't quite tell what was under the high chair, but it was something that wasn't suppose to be there.
That's when I noticed the electric clippers on the counter. I was then shocked into the realization that what I was seeing on the floor was the remains of my baby's beautiful blonde hair. My Beautiful Bald Husband made him into a Beautiful Bald Baby!!!
(Bare with me.... this is where things get interesting....)
Once the realization set in, I went from rejuvenated to horrified. All of the thoughts, expectations, plans I had for "The First Haircut" were gone, on the floor, and about to be swept into the trash. Now, I know this is all going to sound VERY dramatic, and VERY ridiculous, but it is honest. I was so angry that I was shaking. I started to cry, and I began to tear my BBH apart. He looked at me with giant eyes of confusion and hurt, and sent Larger Child to his bedroom. He didn't understand why I was upset. I (tried to) explained to him that I had images of fantastic pictures, videos, and saved clippings for the baby book, I would have been there to witness it.... and it would have been just a TRIM, not buzzed all the way off! He apologized and (tried to) explained to me that it came from a good intended place. He thought I would come home and be thrilled. He asked what he could do to make it right, and I couldn't even make sentences at that point. I went to my room (like a child throwing a tantrum) and cried. I called two friends, texted my mom, and CAME BACK DOWN TO EARTH.
My sweet Husband. He was so well intended. We had been mentioning that Smaller Child needed a cut, because his hair was constantly in his eyes. He knew I had a lot on my plate, and thought he would go ahead and take care of both of the boys hair cuts for me. He didn't realize the "First Haircut" was a big deal... how could he? He was, in all honesty and sincerity trying to do a really good thing, and I in all of my wisdom and patience SUCKER PUNCHED him in the stomach.
So, after the Mother Ship decided to remove the alien that possessed my body, and return me back to the planet, I managed to muster up an apology, and a real hug and tried to express my gratitude to him. A few hours after that, I managed to finally admit that the cut actually did look ridiculously cute! Even if it did make him look more grown up than I am ready for.
Well, see for yourself...
Oh he does look cute! I know it's not what you wanted, but he's still your adorable little man. Hugs!