Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Over-Prepared Mama's Take on the Diaper Bag

When I picked up Smaller Child from the Childcare center at our YMCA, the teacher there told me that if she could give out an award for the most prepared and organized Mother, she would give it to me.  She then thanked me for making her job that much easier.  She told me she never has to guess or question as to whether or not SC had something he may need.  She knew I would always have it in the diaper bag.  It may have been one of the very best compliments I have ever received! (Though, I am not sure what that says about me! ha!) But truly, it made my heart sing to hear this.

So, I wondered.... I wondered if maybe the contents of my over prepared diaper bag may be of use to others.  So, here is my take on the "must haves" for my diaper bag.

First off, I have to mention, that it is highly important to me to keep my diaper bag light.  I cannot carry a gigantor child and a gazillion pound diaper bag at the same time.  So, I have to be somewhat selective as to what I put in the bag.  But, first on that list is hand sanitizer.  This is important for many reasons, one being that sometimes juggling a baby and washing your hands at a sink after a diaper change is not always possible.  So, I keep it easily accessible, and clipped on the the bag so I don't lose it.

Next, are the perishables.  I keep a regular inventory of these. Restocking and replacing if they have been in there too long. I keep an emergency empty bottle, enough formula for a small bottle, and a small juice.  I also found that empty baby food jars (cleaned of course) make the perfect container for baby snacks so they don't get crushed and turn into dust in the bag.  The snack du jour right now is Cherrios.

Then, I have the other items needed to keep a baby happy at mealtime.  A bib, a spoon, and a toy.  I find these little toy leashes to be GENIUS. I can attach one end to the toy and the other to the high chair at a restaurant, and then I don't have to keep retrieving it off the nasty ground.  I keep all these items in a ziploc to keep them clean.

Next, I keep a small blanket that I can use to either cover up SC, or lay on the ground for him to sit or play on, a clean burp cloth, and a change of clothes that I also keep inventory of to make sure it is clean, seasonally appropriate and still fits him.

What diaper bag would be complete without diapers?  I also keep disposable changing table covers to put under my changing pad to keep it clean, kleenex, a nose bulb, and VERY important... baby sunscreen.  I also keep a waterproof zip up bag in the diaper bag to place soiled clothes in to keep the other items in the bag from getting dirty.

My favorite item is the changing pad.  I love the little pockets they put in them.  I can keep all of the essentials inside so they are right there when I am changing the baby.

Inside the pockets I keep a good amount of wipes, a washcloth (for my protection!), trash bags for diaper disposal, diaper rash ointment, lotion, soap, and latex gloves. I take regular inventory of these as well to make sure I don't run out.  There is nothing worse then getting all ready to change a poopy diaper only to realize that you are out of wipes.  (If that should ever happen to you *gasp* use wet paper towels.  Not as gentle or protective to your hands, but it gets the job done in a pinch.)

Lastly, the binky pod.  Now, this little guy wasn't around when Larger Child was a baby, and frankly at first when I saw them at the baby store I thought, "how ridiculous is that?!?! who needs a special container for their binky??"  Well, I'm here to tell ya, I DO. I NEED A SPECIAL CONTAINER FOR THE BINKY.  It is so handy! I never have to go hunting for the binky. It is always there, and always keeping clean.  I keep a leash on the binky too so I don't have to worry about it falling on the ground.  The binky pod remains forever attached to the outside of the diaper bag for easy access. I have to say, it was even a little stressful taking it off for this photo.  I triple checked to make sure I attached it back after I was done.

Most important though, is that you keep these items organized, and put them in the same place every time.  I prefer diaper bags with lots of pockets for this very reason.  This way, you don't have to hunt and get all frustrated while you have a screaming, dirty, hungry child in your arms.  You know you have what you need, and you know right where it is.

Aaaand, that's the contents of the bag.  Maybe next time I will tackle the Mom purse?  Or, maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! I have about half of these things in there, and definitely not as organized. But you've motivated me McQueen to get my act together and get E's bag organized! And so I will. Some day. :)
