Monday, May 28, 2012

Backyard Scavenger Hunt

     Larger Child can be the typical six year old at times (despite his obvious brilliance, maturity, and gifted-ness!).  There are times when he gets bored... and when he gets bored, he gets obnoxious.  He will find ways of entertaining himself, even if that means trying to figure out juuuust how many times he can poke my arm and say "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom..." before my head starts spinning around and the creature from the Alien movies comes out of my throat to scream at him.  Today was one of those days.
     However, instead of devouring his very soul and hanging his lifeless body out to dry, or just sending him to his room, I decided to get creative and find a way to entertain and pass the time.  I created a Backyard Scavenger Hunt.  I got an empty egg crate and numbered each hole one to twelve.  I then taped a piece of paper on the top with directions to pick up twelve things to put in the egg crate.

     He was then instructed to go outside and find items that fit that description and place them in the corresponding spots.  He was super excited at the idea, and ran outside with interest and vigor to complete the task.

     He found:
1. Something hard (a rock).
2. Something soft (a piece of string).
3. Something prickly (a pine needle).
4. Something smooth (a leaf).
5. Something green (grass).
6. Something brown (dirt).
7. Something that is or was alive (a dead june bug).
8. Something straight (a stick).
9. Something in the shape of a circle (the "hat" of an acorn).
10. Something purple (flower).
11. Something man-made (piece of a toy).
12, Something tiny (seed).

     Awesome! That killed five minutes... now what.  How about WATER BALLOONS?!?! 

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