Friday, April 13, 2012

Little Explorer

It all started innocently enough.  I was supervising Olivia the Weirdo's necessity trip outside (we have a bobcat that lurks about and had been spotted earlier that day) and chatting with my mom on the phone when I noticed that Smaller Child had become really still and quiet. The sunshine and snuggles took him down... it's like kryptonite for this kid.

A few moments later, he woke up.  Note the drool on his chin (and the phone on mine)!

A few moments after that, he was wiggling and giggling and ready to explore.

He started slow... just reaching for the dirt. It is like a magnet to all little boys!

Then he found ROOTS and GRASS!

Smaller Child was pleased by this!

It became clear at that point this boy needed full submersion. So, in to the grass we go!

This too pleased him greatly. Now he had full access to dirt and grass to do with as he pleased... like eat it?

That is what you do with grass, right?

That's when we made the move to the center of the yard.  There was slightly less mud, and the sun felt great! And OH the grass... HOW THE GRASS DID DELIGHT!

Like this piece...

And this one...

I wonder what this one taste like...

Nope! Not so good.

(This is when I step in and try to get him to stop eating the grass... and this is when he tries to distract me with the cuteness of his tootsies...)
Hey Mom, don't look at my hands... check out these cute feetsies!

Huuh? Huuh? You like that foot, Mom?? Check out this foo--- Hey, what's that??

It's Ooooolivia!!

Try as I might, I can never get a good picture of this dog.  She hates the camera! Come on, Lady... just one?

Hold still!

Come on! Please?

Heavens SAKES! Good enough.

Give me the camera, Mama... I can do it!

Or this leaf... that works too.

Mmmm... leeeeaf....

I hope you all enjoyed your afternoon.  We sure did.

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