The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. -E.E. Cummings
Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand. -Mark Twain
To laugh, in this home, is to breath. We may very well do them in equal measure. Some evenings it seems like our entire goal and purpose is to get one another to laugh. All five of us (yes, Weirdo Olivia included) seem to need both laughing and the response of laughter to survive. We thrive on giggles, we beam with laugh snorts, we remember the days of threats of milk noses, or thigh slaps like one would mark a momentous anniversary or birth.
Laughter is the one tool we have used over and over again to get through the mundane. It has been our saving grace in the tough spots, and our life preserver in the tragedies. I am not sure if there has been more than a handful of days in the twelve years Beautiful Bald Husband and I have been together that he hasn't made me laugh, I mean REALLY laugh. I hope he can say the same for me.
To have the desire to make each other laugh in this family is more than just a need for attention, or entertainment, it is a deeper desire to see the other ones bring joy to the lives of the people we love. So, the fact that there are gaggles of giggles, tons of tee-hee's, chortles, guffaws, chuckle, and cachinnates, means to me only one thing... there is an abundance of love.
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