Friday, July 25, 2014

The Power of Coffee

I had some lab work that needed to be done at the doctor, which means early morning rises, and more importantly morning fasting.  Now, I usually am not a huge fan of breakfast, but coffee... I am a slave to those dark roasted beans and delicious delicious caffeine.  When you drink a cup every morning, it just becomes part of your routine.  It isn't until this routine is disturbed that I realize just how dependent I am on it.

The morning was rough, but I managed to get myself and my two boys around and out of the house. I also managed to pry my eyes open enough to drive to the doc.  I am also fairly certain that I didn't cause anyone any bodily harm in the process. I was even somewhat cogitative and polite to the staff at the doctor's office.  I got my blood drawn, and we left, and my only thought, coffee...

Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to Starbucks.

Unfortunately, I got there and the line... oh my goodness, the line... it was backed out in to the street, and it took some serious maneuvering and patience to even get in to the parking lot to even consider a method of entering the drive through line.

The headache was beginning, the children's voices from the backseat were grating, my grip on the steering wheel was tightening, but I dutifully took my place to appease the caffeine gods, and shell out whatever money they asked me (grumbling the whole time) to sacrifice as a slave to the dark roast bliss.

That's when I noticed a car in the street, waiting to enter the cue. 

I hesitated. Part of me wanted to line drive my way to the front of the line, ignoring every casualty along the way. But then, there was the other part of me, that part that has learned even when I don't want to, it is important to think of others... and that voice that can be so irritating at times, (and frankly really put me out) was a little bit louder than the desperation for relief, and I found myself raising my hand and waving the man in the car in the street ahead of me to enter the line.

And that was that...

After what seemed like an eternity, I finally found myself at the window receiving my cup. That was when the barista stuck her head out of the drive through window and said, "You are a good Samaritan. The gentleman in front of you was so grateful for you letting him in that he paid for your coffee."

"REALLY???  Oh my gosh!!! How sweet!!!" I looked up to wave a thanks, but he was gone.

I know it is not much, and I know that we hear stories all the time about this sort of thing happening, but I think it is important for us all to remember. I know that having to wait a few hours for coffee, and waiting in a line at an overpriced coffee shop are certainly "first world problems" but....

It got me thinking about all the times that I have that little internal argument. What I want, verses what God wants.  What will help ME, versus what will help OTHERS.  All too often, it is the selfish voice that seems to speak just a little bit louder shutting the other out. It's unfortunate, but it's the truth.

But today, today, there were two strangers both with the same "me oriented" goals, who thought for just one tiny moment about someone else, and it changed my whole outlook for the day. It was as simple as a hand wave, or shelling out the extra five bucks, but it wasn't the act itself, it was the THOGHT behind it.

I believe every time we give that little voice, that tiny kernel of God in our heads the attention, every time we let it win over our selfish thoughts, that voice gets louder... God grows in us. Yes, it is simple. Yes, it is probably a very trivial example. But that is what most of life is made up of, the small and simple moments when we get to chose to do something different... something good.

So, here's to you fellow coffee lover and good Samaritan! Thank you for the joe, but more importantly, thank you for reminding me of the power of good, and the power of God.

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