Yesterday Larger Child and my Beautiful (not so bald anymore) Husband spent the day out visiting their very first circus. (I, unfortunately, suffer from a touch of coulrophobia, so I opted to stay home with Smaller Child. Thank you B(nsbn)H for taking him!!)
So, with two of my fellas out for the day, Smaller Child and I decided to not waste the beautiful early spring weather, and we spent the day outside.
First, we went a-slidin'!
climb up |
hang on! |
let go! |
.jpg) |
weee! |
made it. |
Then, after I convinced the "angry troll" in the "house" to let me in, we played inside.
"Welcome to the house!" |
"I'm draaaw-ing!" |
"Going to work! (kisses)" |
then he gave me an acorn hat. |
After he "left for work", he quickly returned to get me. I HAD to see the "purple flowers on the tree!" (the redbud is budding)
The two year old attention span is similar to that of a goldfish memory... about two seconds. So, the amazement over the pretty purple flowers didn't last long. Then we were on to the trampoline.
he's quite the jumper these days! |
but it didn't take long for a belly ache to stop the action. |
aaaaaaahhll better! |
We got off the trampoline to play with our trucks. Then suddenly, he stopped, pointed up, and said "Mom!!! Look! Look up there!!" I expected to see an airplane or something. So, when I looked and looked and didn't see anything, I asked him what it was. He said, "The CLOUDS Mom!"
the clouds, indeed darling. |
The sweet moment lasted a nano second before he was off to be a brave knight, chop down trees, chase after "Ya-ya" (the dog) and pick "green flowers" (the henbit in the flower beds).
that's the "knight face" |
I have learned that moments are so very fleeting with little ones. Tender moments are few and far between with a rambunctious little boy like him. He'd much prefer to throw rocks and dig in the dirt than to cuddle with Mama most of the time, but that's okay. I still try to find the moments, and I have been known to throw a mean rock or two myself... and I can make one heck of a mudpie. I'm just sayin.
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