Friday, January 25, 2013

A Little Crafty

After a one year stand off with an incomplete baby blanket, I finally bit the bullet and finished the damn thing. I don't like it, the baby in question doesn't like it, but it's done.  So there. 

Let me back up.... I am a bit anal retentive. I know, I know.  You are all probably gasping and clutching your chests saying, "Naaaaaw! Not you!" But, part of this neuroses is the inability to start a new craft project until I have finished the one I am working on.  I am getting a bit better at this, in the sense that I am now allowing myself to work on multiple KINDS of craft projects (i.e. I can paint and do needlework.  I can work on cards AND paper machet.) But that damn blanket was standing in the way of mountains of yarn ideas floating in my head... the blockage is gone, and the river is flowing.

Here's what I have been working on lately.  It is a type of crochet called Amigurami.  Essentially it is crocheting in the round, no rows, usually to make a stuffed animal or critter of some sorts.  I LOVE IT.  It is fast, creative, forgiving, and fun. 

An Octopus... he was my first attempt.  He is now Smaller Child's.  He lovingly calls him, "Cici."
A turtle for Larger Child. Sheldon
BBH asked for my bird... though I have something much better in store for him.
I gave my sister in law a Narwhal/Cause, well, they're awesome.

An Elephant fit for a baby.
My first commissioned piece, Oswald the Octopus from the TV series of the same name.

They him, "Mister Pig"

I love his curly tail!
Damn straight that's an Opossum!!

Fancy Flamingo!

I have also made some useful things too... a pair of mittens for Larger Child, and a Cowl for me...

And currently, I am working on a dinosaur stocking cap for Smaller Child...

Today I got a box in the mail of a TON of cardmaking supplies that I am super stoked to try out!! That's next week's project I think.... maybe....

I also painted a picture for BBH today of a quote that spoke to us both.  There is another one in store soon.  I just need to find the time.  More on that later.

I love having an outlet for my creativity... I love creating! I love gift giving.  It makes my soul sing.

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