Friday, January 25, 2013

A Little Crafty

After a one year stand off with an incomplete baby blanket, I finally bit the bullet and finished the damn thing. I don't like it, the baby in question doesn't like it, but it's done.  So there. 

Let me back up.... I am a bit anal retentive. I know, I know.  You are all probably gasping and clutching your chests saying, "Naaaaaw! Not you!" But, part of this neuroses is the inability to start a new craft project until I have finished the one I am working on.  I am getting a bit better at this, in the sense that I am now allowing myself to work on multiple KINDS of craft projects (i.e. I can paint and do needlework.  I can work on cards AND paper machet.) But that damn blanket was standing in the way of mountains of yarn ideas floating in my head... the blockage is gone, and the river is flowing.

Here's what I have been working on lately.  It is a type of crochet called Amigurami.  Essentially it is crocheting in the round, no rows, usually to make a stuffed animal or critter of some sorts.  I LOVE IT.  It is fast, creative, forgiving, and fun. 

An Octopus... he was my first attempt.  He is now Smaller Child's.  He lovingly calls him, "Cici."
A turtle for Larger Child. Sheldon
BBH asked for my bird... though I have something much better in store for him.
I gave my sister in law a Narwhal/Cause, well, they're awesome.

An Elephant fit for a baby.
My first commissioned piece, Oswald the Octopus from the TV series of the same name.

They him, "Mister Pig"

I love his curly tail!
Damn straight that's an Opossum!!

Fancy Flamingo!

I have also made some useful things too... a pair of mittens for Larger Child, and a Cowl for me...

And currently, I am working on a dinosaur stocking cap for Smaller Child...

Today I got a box in the mail of a TON of cardmaking supplies that I am super stoked to try out!! That's next week's project I think.... maybe....

I also painted a picture for BBH today of a quote that spoke to us both.  There is another one in store soon.  I just need to find the time.  More on that later.

I love having an outlet for my creativity... I love creating! I love gift giving.  It makes my soul sing.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January +70 Degrees=Zoo Day!

This morning, while I was watching the news and drinking my cup of coffee, I heard the weatherman say that it was going to be nearly seventy degrees today.  I knew the moment he said it that I would be spending my day outside... how could I not? So, the next question would be where?  Of course, I decided to go to my favorite place on the planet, the Oklahoma City Zoo!  So, I took Larger Child off to school, came home, packed up myself and Smaller Child, and after a few errands, headed off to the ZOO!!

By the time we got there, it was a crisp 55 degrees.  Within less than an hour, we were both peeling off our jackets and breaking a sweat in the GORGEOUS sunny day! The animals seemed to be enjoying the unseasonably warm temperatures as well... I managed to get a few really great pics today of our fellow furred, feathered, scaled, and shelled Earthdwellers.  I have included some of my personal favorite friends at the Zoo.  There are several I like to make sure and see, but these guys, well, they hold a special place in my heart for one reason or another.

We started in the Children's Zoo.  Smaller Child LOVES the goats.  Each time we have visited he has to approach each one and say hello, give them a pat-pat and a kiss.  He repeats the process when it is time to leave with a "bye-bye" instead. 

We also spent some time with the chickens....

My favorite part of the barn at the children's zoo is practicing animal sounds with Smaller Child.  He's got goat and sheep down, he thinks donkey is hilarious, and I about peed my pants listening to him sound like a pig. 

We left the barn, bought a cup of nectar and went to feed the lorikeets.

They are lovely, and friendly and make SC giggle... so of course they are alright in my book! They were a little feisty today though.  But that just made for more laughs from the both of us!

After we left the Children's Zoo, we snuck in to the small Aviary building that I adore.  There is hardly ever anyone in there, and it is one of those places that the longer you are there the more you see.  The birds are exotic and friendly and so interesting to watch.  This guy in particular charmed me today.
We headed off to see the "Maaaoows," or the cats for us laymen, next. They are breathtaking, and I think the warm temperatures had them a bit fired up as well.  There are three tigers there that were born the same week as Smaller Child.  Every time we go, I try and visit them.  For some reason, I feel a kindred connection to them with the birthdates being so close, though I am afraid they have far surpassed SC in growth at this point.  Here is one of the beauties... (remember he is only 18 months!) Just to be in their presence is definitely life-affirming.  It is a charm and a blessing.

As we were walking from the cats to the "Ooo-aah-ooh-aahs" (primates) we noticed how "nuts" the squirrels were today.  I am not sure if they are just being very tamed by the visitors, or if it was the weather, but I had never seen them quite so out there. 

I gave the squirrel a couple of goldfish crackers, EB decided it was one too many, and he took it back.
Then we stopped to visit a couple of our cold blooded friends.  The komodo dragons were introduced to the zoo as babies about a year ago.  We have been watching them grow.  They are about twice the size of Smaller Child now!

 And our favorite tortoise friends had babies that hatched this summer.  The Galapagos' Tortoises are still teeny, and quite frankly, precious.

Then, of course, there is the gardens! No matter what time of year it is, the grounds are LOVELY.

This place never disappoints! I am not sure if I've ever had a bad time here, and today was no different. I have so many memories with Larger Child growing up at this zoo, and I adore making memories with Smaller Child now too.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bragging on Beautiful Bald Husband (Or, RIP Ol' Blue)

I have already mentioned (once or twice) that I have "challenged" hands.  On my more entertaining days, I call them my "Pork Chop Hands" or "Crazy Fingers." It is like having two hunks of lifeless meat attached to my wrist... Like wearing stiff mittens all day.  So, needless to say, I drop things.  A LOT.  Some days, I take this in stride. I have stopped crying over every broken plate, or busted glass.  I have switched to cheap Ikea dishware so it isn't as heartbreaking.  (Uncle Bobby's China is safely locked away in the china cabinet.) BUT, yesterday, because of my damn Pork Chop Hands, we lost a great member of the family.  We had a man down that would impact us on nearly a daily basis...

Yesterday, I dropped the Slow Cooker.... GAAAASP!!!!!

As I looked down at Ol' Blue, that once was the tool to so many perfectly delectable and headache free moments of culinary happiness, I couldn't help myself... the tears began to pool... and I mourned the loss of my dear friend.  I fell to my knees, stretched my palms to the sky, and cried out, "Whyyyy??? Whyyyy God, whyyyyy??" I cried for the loss of our family member, and cursed the hands that failed her.

Then I stood up, brushed the bits of stoneware off my pants, grabbed my phone and took a picture of the travesty to send confess my unintentional homicide to my husband.

My darling BBH has so gently, and dutifully swept up so many of my finger fumbles.  He always makes a joke to help me feel better, and gets rid of the mess before I can feel to badly about it.  It is something he does without a second thought, it is an immediate reaction. He hears the crash and shatter, rushes to the kitchen with a broom, shoos me away with a joke and a smile, and the shards of broken dish and of broken ego are gone within moments. He has never once, even for a moment, made me feel bad or made fun of me, or laughed AT me.  He has always been so tender, and sweet. So considerate.  BUT THIS TIME....

This time, BBH was at work. So, naturally, after I sent the photo, I went to the garage to grab my broom.  I didn't get an instant reply from the picture, which surprised me. BBH was almost as much in love with Ol' Blue as I was. I assumed I would get at least a text to commiserate our loss together.  But nothing.  I tried to assume he was busy at work.  But, part of me wondered if the loss might have been just to great for him. (I kid of course... kind of.)

However, in less than 20 minutes of my text to him, this was his reply:

I mean, come on.... How much better does it get than that?? 
I know that you can't just replace the loss of someone you love. I know it might take a minute to adjust to the changes and grieve the loss, but... aw, who am I kidding?? Move over Ol' Blue... there is a new sheriff in town.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like for you all to meet Black Beauty.

Isn't she LOVELY? Isn't she WON-DER-FUL??  Nearly as beautiful as BBH. Nearly.

To Warm Up a Cold Tuesday

Thought I'd share a few videos taken recently of the boys to warm up an otherwise very chilly day! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy Birthday to One of My Personal Heroes

Today, is my Grandma, Sally's birthday.  Grams is one of the most amazing, brave, strong, hilarious, spunky, loving, and beautiful women I know. To have been given the blessing to be a witness to her life, to watch her live through some of the most painful, difficult, scariest moments a person can survive, and come out the other side stronger... I will be forever grateful for.

I was able to watch her as she grieved, watch her as she battled cancer, watch her as she lost family, friends.  But, she hasn't let it change her, at least not for the worse.  It almost seems to have been giving her fuel to grow.  They say we can either grow from or be destroyed by great pain.  She has shown me how glorious coming to the other side can be.  It has been inspirational, to say the least.  It has given me the guts to face some things I may not have before.  Watching her walk before me has taught me that I too can be put next to just about anything, and conquer it... not let it conquer me.

Grams and I have been able to commiserate about our arthritis.  She is someone I KNOW for a fact, understands on some level what I experience on a daily basis.  She has shown me that I can live through it... just as she has.  She has lived through so much more. 

Grams is a women not like many other of her generation.  She is tough as nails, but soft and sweet.  She is a master fisherman, a woman not afraid to get her hands dirty.  She taught me that a woman can skin a fish and still wear lipstick. She showed me how to knit, crochet, nurtured my creativity, and blessed me with the gift of crafts.

My grandmother.... well frankly she kicks ass.  And I don't think she'd mind that I said so.  So, today, on your birthday, Grams, I want you to know how much you mean to me.  How grateful I am that you are in my life.  How much I admire you, and how much I have learned from you.  Thank you for all that you are, all that you were, and all that you will be.  I love you!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

EB is Eighteen Months!!

A YEAR AND A HALF have gone by... wooooosh!  Little Man, Smaller Child, Little Bit, is growing and changing faster than I can keep track. Today, marks his 18 month birthday. 

In the last six months he has:
1. learned how to walk
2. learned how to run
3. learned how to climb
4. is talking up a storm
5. has developed the McQueen sense of humor
6. is singing
7. is dancing
8. has given up (most of) his bottles
9. loves music
10. eats... a LOT

Oooo-eeee! Time is going by too darn fast. My little baby is a full fledged toddler now. (Fits and all.)
Ain't life GRAND!?!

And my personal favorites.... the attitude shots...