I have to say, up until the actual month of my birthday, I had completely forgot that I was approaching a milestone. Once it did dawn on me, I think the most overwhelming feeling was one of relief. I was relieved to be putting my twenties behind me. Not that they were necessarily a bad decade. In my twenties, I became a mom, learned what it meant to be married, bought a house, sold a house, bought another house. Had a massive flood in new house, learned I was a lot stronger than I thought. Paid off a car, graduated college. I made some real friends, lost some not so real friends, took some trips, skydived, met Minnie Mouse, became an aunt five times over. I met God. My twenties were... eventful. BUT, I was ready to say goodbye to youth, excuses, and not being taken seriously. I was ready to say hello to thirty.
A day before my birthday... that slap in the face of, wow I REALLY am about to be thirty, set in. It passed quickly though, and I rested my head on my pillow soundly.
On my birthday, my Beautiful Bald Husband cooked me delicious breakfast, and he and my Larger Child swooned over me and doted on me in a way only boys can. It was charming and adorable! Later in the day they took me to our favorite frozen yogurt place to get me what I would prefer to a cake any day! Fro-yo!
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Note the candle in the cup! |
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me and my boys |
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me and my man |
That evening, we went to dinner. It was kind of a disaster. The baby was cranky, the food wasn't great, and I think we were all just about done for the day. BUT, it was the thought that counts.
That next weekend my parents were coming in town to celebrate with me. We had a fun filled weekend planned that included lemon cake AND roller-coasters. What is the saying, "the best laid plans...."?? I ended up getting some sort of virus, and spent most of Saturday at Urgent Care with a 103 fever. Happy BDay to me. Mom and Dad stopped by to bring me chicken noodle soup, but there would be no roller coasters in my near future. Sunday, I woke up feeling much better and after a feverless morning, decided to meet my parents at the Science Museum to spend the afternoon getting our lernin' on. We managed to have a pretty great afternoon followed by a quick dinner and some cake with my Grams, Aunt and Uncle, and cousin. Considering how badly that evil virus from hades knocked me down, we managed to salvage a nice family weekend.
That next week, the celebrations continued. Am I a lucky girl, or what?? My darling friends decided to be the very best sports on the planet and humor my Xanadu fantasy and go roller skating with me for my bday. Mind you I am one of the youngest in my group of friends, and not a one of us had been roller skating in over 15 years or longer before we made this attempt. BUT, we (at least I) had a FANTASTIC night!!
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Skate Love! |
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Call me Olivia Newton J! |
We managed to make it through the night with just a few bumps, scrapes and bruises (ego included). I know I haven't had that much fun in a long time, I also know that once you fall on your ass once, realize you can't get up and have to literally crawl to the wall to claw your way back to vertical you become freaking INVINCIBLE, because really at that point, what is there left to lose??
And this is where the festivities ended (in reality anyway... in my mind I'm still celebrating!). Here is what I learned...
1. Waking up to a house full of unconditional love is the VERY best gift anyone can ever receive.
2. Even when it is your birthday, always follow the 30 minute rule with babies at restaurants. ALWAYS.
3. There may be nothing cooler than getting your picture on the Menchie's Fro-Yo fan board.
4. A cup of chicken noodle soup and your Mommy still makes you all better... even at thirty.
5. I know without a shadow of doubt that I have the BEST friends on the planet.
6. It is okay to lose your dignity crawling to the wall after a wipeout on rollerskates.... right?
7. Thirty is NOT too old to have a party at the skate rink!
8. If these few weeks are any indication, I am going to rock my thirties like a HURRICANE!
9. I am blessed beyond measure. I cannot say this enough.
10. God truly does have better plans for me than I could EVER dream for myself.
Your birthday was A LOT of fun! I'm glad you decided to get us out there on skates. J and I had a blast and were sad we had to leave early. We should definitely do that again sometime!