I have it on good authority that children are greatly affected by music. When Larger Child was younger, and a sad song came on the television, he would run to me for comfort snuggles. If a song came on that was fast and intense, he would get hyper. I don't believe he is special in that case.
But, he has always been a fan of all things music, and enjoys listening to the radio, watching (and participating) dance, and sings all the time. I cannot for the life of me figure out where he picked up those traits... snicker. He started this aptitude at a very young age by singing along to music and dancing, or well wobbling rather, to The Wiggles. I believe we have footage somewhere, if I could find it, of him singing "Hot Potato" at around 10 or 11 months old, and him in the rocking chair singing the ENTIRE opening song in Nightmare Before Christmas at around 2. "Ghosts and ghouls of ev-a-ree age, would you like to see some-thing strange? Come with us and you will see, this our town of Halloweeeeen!" Ahem. Sorry. I'm back.
Well, we have recently discovered that Smaller Child is also highly susceptible to what Gloria Estefan was talking about, and will too fall victim to the rhythm in fact "getting" him. Most often in the form of a chair dance.
Oh I just lol'd. What a cutie. That was just too adorable!