Friday, October 20, 2017


16. He's the best co-op apocalypse partner.
15. He has the sexiest smile in the world... THE WORLD!
14. We balance each other, on nearly everything. The yin to my yang.
13. He is by far, everything I could ask for in a partner in parenthood.
12. He gives me his best, even when I am at my worst.
11. He makes me want to be a better person.
10. He still makes me feel beautiful and sexy, EVERY day, even recovering in a hospital.
9. He has been there every second of the way, to support me, lift me, help me, through the hardest year of my life.
8. He is the very best role model for our boys.
7. He can, and still does, make me loud laugh.
6. He would walk through flood or fire to get to us if we needed him, and has.
5. Guys, that tushy of his... I'm sorry, but damn.
4. In sixteen years, we have always grown together, never apart.
3. He has consistently shown me the light, every time I am in the dark.
2. He reminds me that no matter the hardship, the celebration, the surprise, the fear, the sorrow, the joy, I am never alone. We are in this together.
1. He is and always will be, MY LOBSTER.

Happy SIXTEEN Anniversary, Kevin! What a freakin' hilarious, incredible, fun, wild, scary, amazing ride it has been growing up with you! I am so grateful for EVERY second of it. (Yes, every one.) They have all brought us here... and HERE is amazing! Here's to the next sixteen. We *might* be done growing up, but now we get the honor of growing old together. What a blessing!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Happy Birthday Nelson

There is a boy.
That boy has a friend. 

That friend is grey and blue, has floppy ears, and "the softest tail in the whole wide world."
That boy has taken his friend to his first day of school, to doctors appointments, to the emergency room, to the grocery store, to his grandmothers' houses, on vacations, in cars, and most importantly...
that grey and blue and floppy eared friend with the softest tail in the whole wide world has been held in this boys arms every night while they slept. That boy's fingers stroking that tail all night long. 
That friend's name is Nelson. Nelson is a stuffed puppy dog.

Yesterday, "October two-th" was Nelson's birthday. 
And, just like we did the year before, we make a cake, lit a candle, and sang to Nelson to celebrate his birthday.

Yes, that cake is in the shape of an "N." And yes, that is the cutest boy on the planet!
So, here's to all of our "friends" from all of our childhoods. Some forgotten, some in keepsake boxes in attics, some donated, some lost forever, some still in the arms of their friends while they sleep, even at 35 years old. May we all remember the safety and love they brought us. May we all take a moment to celebrate the simple joy they symbolize.

Happy Birthday, Nelson. May you always have the softest tail in the whole wide world.