I want our home to be a place for mistakes. I strive to have a home that is safe enough to allow those who live in it to experiment, try new things, not be afraid to fail. I want this to be a safe place. A place where we don't have to fear judgment, condemnation, or ridicule. A place where praise and encouragement are as common as mealtimes. Where gratitude and support are the currency, and bullying and mockery are outlawed. I want this to be the place where we can go to find out who we are and who we are not. I want our boys to know that they can be who God made them to be, and Mom and Dad will support them on their journey there, no matter where "there" is. I want my husband to know he can let go of stereotypes and norms. That he can be as open and vulnerable as he wishes. In a house full of men, I think it is vital to encourage exploration into emotions and feelings, and not equate that with weakness or lack of manhood.
I want this to be a place where we can all reach, jump and try to soar knowing that the people around us are not wishing for us to fall, but standing open armed ready not only to catch us if we do, but to lift us back up to try again... perhaps even willing to jump too. This is my goal.
An account of the day to day from one stay at home mom who is doing her very best to raise two young boys into two strong men.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Happy Birthday LC!
This past Saturday, we celebrated Larger Child's EIGHTH birthday! EIGHT! I remember hearing people tell me the day I met him, holding his tiny hands in my hospital bed, to really cherish every moment because they fly by so fast. I thought it was corny and a little cliché', and I remember thinking at the time that if it was anything like the nine months that proceeded his arrival, they were all a bunch of liars. That time crawled by slower than molasses. Now, eight years later, I know, without a shadow of a doubt, those parents were telling the God's honest truth. I cannot BELIEVE eight years have gone by since the moment I held that beautiful (all be it beat up and bruised) baby in my arms and began that wonderful/wacky/exhausting/exhilarating/indescribable adventure of motherhood. Eight years of laughs, tears, lessons, learning, and love.
As he is getting older, and growing in to the person he will be, leaving the world of babyhood and toddler hood where more often than not a child is mimicking what they see, trying on new identities to see what fits... and heading in to adolescence where the truths are formed, where the identity is solidified, it is becoming more and more clear that our LC will not fit in to any sort of mold or label of what an eight year old boy is "suppose to" be... and I am learning more and more that I would never want to try and make him. The boy he is and the man he will be will far exceed any expectation or plan that I have for him, I know, IF I let him go and let him be and become who he is meant to. Not try and make him in to what I think he should.
I often say that Larger Child is special. I know that all parents say that about their children, and I am sure they are all right to some degree. But LC... he IS special. I have never met a child like him before, and I often hear people who cross his path say the same. He is smart, funny, charming, handsome, quick, and witty. He is also creative, empathetic, mature, individualistic. But, with all those traits come some really fantastic ones to, like competitive, stubborn, and hypersensitive. It is the MIX of these things that creates the magic in him though. The combination of traits that make him this boy that captivates those around him.
It is that magic I am sure that caused nearly twice the turnout for his birthday party than we expected! But, boy did that kid have a good time! (and Mom and Dad survived with the help of some good friends and wonderful parents.)
And this was the party, as a family we celebrated the boy with a surprise room bomb, and his gift an aquarium with the new addition to the family, Gary, LC's new fish friend.
Gotta say, decorating his room was super super fun! I love making a fuss for the kids birthdays. There is just something about going all out to show those boys how special I think they are. BUT, my favorite moment of the whole day came at bedtime. When I was tucking him in that night, we were saying our prayers together, and it was my turn to lead the prayer. I was talking with God and thanking Him for putting LC in my life. I was thanking Him for the eight incredible years I have been blessed with so far, and expressing my gratitude for His gift of motherhood to me. I was also asking that He help LC to know and understand just how loved and cherished his is by his parents, and to know to his core just how precious he is. After the amens, hugs, and kisses. He wouldn't let go of my hand. I looked down at him and he was crying. I said, "Oh, honey, I didn't mean to make you cry." He turned to me, sniffled, and said, "Mom, these aren't sad tears. I love you." I hugged him tight, kissed him on the forehead and told him I loved him too.
In that moment, right then and there, I knew just how special he truly is, and just how blessed I am to be his mom. Happy Birthday LC! You are one of a kind! and I love you more than bacon!
As he is getting older, and growing in to the person he will be, leaving the world of babyhood and toddler hood where more often than not a child is mimicking what they see, trying on new identities to see what fits... and heading in to adolescence where the truths are formed, where the identity is solidified, it is becoming more and more clear that our LC will not fit in to any sort of mold or label of what an eight year old boy is "suppose to" be... and I am learning more and more that I would never want to try and make him. The boy he is and the man he will be will far exceed any expectation or plan that I have for him, I know, IF I let him go and let him be and become who he is meant to. Not try and make him in to what I think he should.
I often say that Larger Child is special. I know that all parents say that about their children, and I am sure they are all right to some degree. But LC... he IS special. I have never met a child like him before, and I often hear people who cross his path say the same. He is smart, funny, charming, handsome, quick, and witty. He is also creative, empathetic, mature, individualistic. But, with all those traits come some really fantastic ones to, like competitive, stubborn, and hypersensitive. It is the MIX of these things that creates the magic in him though. The combination of traits that make him this boy that captivates those around him.
It is that magic I am sure that caused nearly twice the turnout for his birthday party than we expected! But, boy did that kid have a good time! (and Mom and Dad survived with the help of some good friends and wonderful parents.)
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LC and some of his crew |
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They moved in herds through the evening. Almost like a school of fish! |
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some more of the crew |
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all EIGHTEEN of the kids in attendance |
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Little Bro and Nana |
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this expression is pretty much how ALL us parents felt |
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our friends Barry, Kasey, and the super climber Owen. The Woody's have hardly missed a single bday of LC's since year one. |
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cousin Collin showing some superior trampoline skills |
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Grandpa Carl and SC |
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SC getting his bounce on too! |
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Mama and a couple of her besties who kept her grounded through the night. |
Gotta say, decorating his room was super super fun! I love making a fuss for the kids birthdays. There is just something about going all out to show those boys how special I think they are. BUT, my favorite moment of the whole day came at bedtime. When I was tucking him in that night, we were saying our prayers together, and it was my turn to lead the prayer. I was talking with God and thanking Him for putting LC in my life. I was thanking Him for the eight incredible years I have been blessed with so far, and expressing my gratitude for His gift of motherhood to me. I was also asking that He help LC to know and understand just how loved and cherished his is by his parents, and to know to his core just how precious he is. After the amens, hugs, and kisses. He wouldn't let go of my hand. I looked down at him and he was crying. I said, "Oh, honey, I didn't mean to make you cry." He turned to me, sniffled, and said, "Mom, these aren't sad tears. I love you." I hugged him tight, kissed him on the forehead and told him I loved him too.
In that moment, right then and there, I knew just how special he truly is, and just how blessed I am to be his mom. Happy Birthday LC! You are one of a kind! and I love you more than bacon!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
OH, October!
Where did the month go? We are well in to November now. The jack-o-lanterns are destroyed, the witches, bats, ghosts, and goblins are put away, the turkeys are out, and cookbooks are getting dusted off. But where did October go?? It is probably my favorite month of the year, and it fleeeeew by so fast this year.
In a vain attempt to wrap my head around the fact that I did indeed live through the month, and experienced all 31 days of it, here's a recap of the goings on:
The first October event was race spectating. My friend Gena, the little ones, and I had the privilege to watch BBH and his friend Corey complete a half marathon. Despite it being cold and windy, we had a ball and the guys did great.
Next on the calendar was Fall Break. It came early this year, which was fine by me. The boys and I took our annual fall trip to see my folks in Texas. We ended up spending one of the days going to a park in Glen Rose that is the home of some real life fossilized dinosaur prints in the bedrock of a river. It was INCREDIBLE to witness true life history. It was like nothing I have ever seen before. Pretty amazing to be stepping in the print of a creature that lived millions of years ago.
We also did some shopping while we were there, visiting the Frisco mall, and taking a ride on the carousel. It was a nice visit, and good to spend a little time with Mom and Dad before the chaos of the holidays set in.
The next week was kind of quiet. We have been working hard on getting Smaller Child potty trained, which meant we really needed to stick close to home. I used that time to clean out the house (going through cabinets, drawers, closets and things) and even cleaned out the attic. I found a dolly from when I was about EB's age, Bonnie. I loved her, and hoped SC might do the same. We also had time to do some fun art projects while we were home.
The next week, Larger Child got to go on a trip to California with his Nana and cousin. They went to visit his aunt (BBH's sister) and her family. They got to go to Disneyland, see a tidepool, go to their cousin's bday party, and visit family they rarely get to see. (I hear he even got to make lemonade from his great uncles lemon tree.) They had a ball!!
While we had the rare opportunity, BBH and I decided to take advantage of the single child household, and take SC to the Zoo. It was a gorgeous day, and we had a really lovely time.
The week LC came back, began the flurry of Halloween activities. School parties, Trick or Treating, costume making, and local fun! The week began with a trip to Storybook Forest where the kids walk a trail by the lake and trick or treat scenes from storybooks. It has always been a family tradition, and a lot of fun. Add in carnival games, and a hayride, and it is always a good time.
A couple days later, we got to don the squid and cow costume again to go trick or treating. The boys did great and had a lot of fun this year. Many more houses in our neighborhood participated, which was great. Smaller Child didn't walk in to a single home, and they both made out like bandits!
Throw in some fall baking, birthday prep for someone's upcoming 8th bday, an anniversary celebration, and the usual daily routines, and you've got a good picture of October in the McQueen house. I LOVE IT! I am so blessed.
Now, on to November. Gratitude, turkeys, eating waaay too many fun sized snicker bars, and early Christmas shopping. Good times ahead, ya'all!
In a vain attempt to wrap my head around the fact that I did indeed live through the month, and experienced all 31 days of it, here's a recap of the goings on:
The first October event was race spectating. My friend Gena, the little ones, and I had the privilege to watch BBH and his friend Corey complete a half marathon. Despite it being cold and windy, we had a ball and the guys did great.
Next on the calendar was Fall Break. It came early this year, which was fine by me. The boys and I took our annual fall trip to see my folks in Texas. We ended up spending one of the days going to a park in Glen Rose that is the home of some real life fossilized dinosaur prints in the bedrock of a river. It was INCREDIBLE to witness true life history. It was like nothing I have ever seen before. Pretty amazing to be stepping in the print of a creature that lived millions of years ago.
We also did some shopping while we were there, visiting the Frisco mall, and taking a ride on the carousel. It was a nice visit, and good to spend a little time with Mom and Dad before the chaos of the holidays set in.
The next week was kind of quiet. We have been working hard on getting Smaller Child potty trained, which meant we really needed to stick close to home. I used that time to clean out the house (going through cabinets, drawers, closets and things) and even cleaned out the attic. I found a dolly from when I was about EB's age, Bonnie. I loved her, and hoped SC might do the same. We also had time to do some fun art projects while we were home.
The next week, Larger Child got to go on a trip to California with his Nana and cousin. They went to visit his aunt (BBH's sister) and her family. They got to go to Disneyland, see a tidepool, go to their cousin's bday party, and visit family they rarely get to see. (I hear he even got to make lemonade from his great uncles lemon tree.) They had a ball!!
While we had the rare opportunity, BBH and I decided to take advantage of the single child household, and take SC to the Zoo. It was a gorgeous day, and we had a really lovely time.
The week LC came back, began the flurry of Halloween activities. School parties, Trick or Treating, costume making, and local fun! The week began with a trip to Storybook Forest where the kids walk a trail by the lake and trick or treat scenes from storybooks. It has always been a family tradition, and a lot of fun. Add in carnival games, and a hayride, and it is always a good time.
A couple days later, we got to don the squid and cow costume again to go trick or treating. The boys did great and had a lot of fun this year. Many more houses in our neighborhood participated, which was great. Smaller Child didn't walk in to a single home, and they both made out like bandits!
Throw in some fall baking, birthday prep for someone's upcoming 8th bday, an anniversary celebration, and the usual daily routines, and you've got a good picture of October in the McQueen house. I LOVE IT! I am so blessed.
Now, on to November. Gratitude, turkeys, eating waaay too many fun sized snicker bars, and early Christmas shopping. Good times ahead, ya'all!
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